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Specialty Classes

These are unique class offerings that are longer in duration, averaging 75 minutes to 2 hours, and take a deeper dive into a specific topic, or style of yoga. 


Mystic Nidra

Jan-March: 4-5:30pm
April-Oct: 6-7:30pm
Nov-Dec: 4-5:30pm

Yoga Nidra is ‘yogic sleep’, sleep with full awareness. This sleep technique is a state of consciousness that has the power to take you to the innermost, deepest levels of relaxation where your entire body & being is permeated by peace & profound stillness. It is said that 45 minutes of Yoga Nidra is as restorative as 3 hours of sleep. You will be guided through gentle movement, breath practices and meditation aligned with a powerful monthly theme. Each month our practices will be curated around a spiritual theme represented by a crystal, carefully chosen for its complementary qualities and yours to keep after the class. You will also be given the opportunity to develop personal intention setting practices, including a fire based ritual release. Don’t miss a single month of this powerful thematic yoga nidra practice and community wisdom circle.

*Pre-registration is required *Memberships discounts to apply*

A Yin, Sound + Reiki

May 1st: 6:00 - 8:00pm

Immerse yourself in healing rest and relaxation. Experts in their respective practices, Dana, Mike, and Chris will be working together to bring you a truly transformational experience combining Yin Yoga, Reiki and a therapeutic soundbath. You’ll begin by preparing the body for stillness with Yin Yoga and guided awareness. From there you will be bathed in powerful sound therapy from Tibetan singing bowls, and offered Reiki. During the soundbath, you will receive individualized sound healing and Reiki with hands on (consented) to further promote the movement of healing energy to balance your inner landscape -  physically, emotionally and mentally. Class size will be limited to 12 to ensure each guest receives a highly personalized class. Upon registration you will receive an intake form to be completed prior to class. This class is not suitable if you have a pacemaker or if you are pregnant.

*Pre-registration is required *Membership discount of 15% to apply*

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May 14th: 11:00am - 12:00pm

Letting Go in Meditation allows us to walk a more balanced path. During this age of confusion, conflict and negativity, turn to meditation; a simple, profound act of bravery that is within the reach of anyone who wishes to learn.

*15% membership discount or

Space & Stability Package to apply

Svaroopa Yoga


This therapeutic, healing form of yoga includes guided awareness, Ujjayi breathing followed by a series of poses to release the muscles & tension in the layers of the muscles wrapped around your spine. Yoga props such as blankets & blocks are used to support the body in this relaxing class.


In addition, Cyndee utilizes consented hands-on adjustments to further aid the body's natural healing capabilities.


Cyndee is a registered Svaroopa teacher since 2013, completing over 800 hours of training.


​*Pre-registration is required *Memberships discounts to apply*

Meditating on the Beach
Sandy Beach

Rest + DeStress

Jan-March: 4-6pm
April-Oct: 6-8pm
Nov-Dec: 4-6pm

It’s time to slow down and re-learn how to relax. Join Alysha on the 2nd Sunday of every month for Rest + DeStress, a two hour class dedicated to relaxation. R+D is a gentle, restorative practice suited for ALL - using props to support the body to initiate healing and to regulate the stress response. Alysha will infuse the practice with crystal singing bowls to further recalibrate the nervous system. Restorative Yoga has been found to reduce stress, anxiety and improve sleep.


*Pre-registration is required *Memberships discounts to apply*

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